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Main Body

Main Body

Thank you for shopping at and for using the parts lookup system to find parts for your MD155DX. You have selected the Main Body diagram for the Maruyama MD155DX Mister Duster. Below you will find an interactive part diagram for the MD155DX Main Body. If you find the part in the diagram you need you may click on the item number in the diagram or find it in the parts list below the diagram. For the MD155DX parts not shown in this diagram you may select from one of the other MD155DX part assemblies or select a different Mister Duster altogether. Thanks for shopping with us at and for making us your source for Maruyama Mister Duster parts.

Position number SKU Product title Price  
1 092543 092543 - BOLT
2 120638 120638 - CHEMICAL TANK-DRY
3 101834 101834 - COVER
4 022410 022410 - STRAINER
5 092206 092206 - CHEMICAL TANK LID
6 101915 101915 - INNER CAP
7 103194 103194 - USE: 100678 (obsolete)
use part #100678
8 112189 112189 - BRACKET
9 081241 081241 - NUT
10 088345 088345 - SCREW
11 119388 119388 - FUEL TANK ASSY
12 120154 120154 - FUEL TANK (obsolete)
use part #127673
13 119390 119390 - FUEL CAP ASSY
14 119391 119391 - FUEL FILTER
15 081414 081414 - SCREW
16 015479 015479 - WASHER
18 101353 101353 - RING
19 026223 026223 - BUFFER
20 114454 114454 - USE: 120615
21 114185 114185 - SPACER
22 109704 109704 - USE: 127228
23 119177 119177 - PAD
24 840543 840543 - NLA PAD RETAINER
26 114818 114818 - CUSHION PAD
27 114816 114816 - KNAP SACK BAND - R
30 550132 550132 - USE: 127237
31 120710 120710 - LABEL
32 108634 108634 - GROUND CABLE
33 108954 108954 - CLAMP